Wednesday 27 June 2018

Play me like a violin.

"Moral support is the support of a lazy person."
- Andrew Day.

I never know what to write when I start up one of these. I guess I should start by pointing out it's been a little over an entire year since my last post. Funny to think something I was so devoted to 6 years ago might now end up being an annual thing. I feel like I'll pick it up again but this blog has been a fleeting thought for so many years that I'd have to go out of my way to even remember this thing being here, let alone post anything on it.

I've read a few of my past posts and can name plenty of things that have changed, small things like; who I work with now as opposed to who I was working with then, and big things like the fact that Dante is 30 and Andy is 17, and how distant I've grown to people who I simply no longer care about and the effort I go through to not care about things or people. It's hard to comprehend how black and white the me now and the me 6 years ago are and it's becoming more and more apparent that this is the way things will be for a very long time, at least until everything is sorted, God knows when that'll be.

I'm tired.