Monday 15 April 2013

Oh yeah, I own a blog :L

"Insert some dope, deep quote here" 

Nigga, no. I will not insert a quote there.

It's been a while, hasnit ? I completely blanked out about this blog but I want to give it another go :L
holy shit, it's been almost 6 months since I've last posted. 6 months ! that's like, half a year. That's like a month more than 5 months, that's a long goddamn time, man. I missed out on talking about Christmas, New Years, Birthdays, Easter, a lot of shit, basically.

Don't be surprised if I don't post anything for another 6 months tomorrow :L
but to recap, I didn't do anything much. I ate some foods, had some sleeps and ate some foods and I can honestly say that pretty much summed up this last few months. I'm gonna regret forgetting about this blog, I can see future me cursing present me already. Fuck up future me, you don't know me.

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