Tuesday 20 November 2012

Chocolate Jesus

Hahahaha, I meant to talk about something, and I've forgotten what it was. I've remembered what it is again, but I've also forgotten and that's what adult life is like most of the time, I find.
Not only have I worsened my forgetfulness, I've also lost the ability to stay up for a number of hours people might claim only insane individuals can achieve. I can only assume it'll only go downhill from here so I'll make an effort to remember what I've forgotten from now on, though I'm pretty sure I'll forget I said I'll make an effort to remember the forgotten.

I think after that after high school, you eventually come to terms with yourself. The frequent mandatory gathering of people whom you love and dislike have stopped, granting you time to realize what seemed like a daily ritual has ceased and how fast time can go by. No one is used to it at first and this kind of change happens quite frequently but we're never prepared for the transition we've just finished.

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