Thursday 7 August 2014

Ain't no reason.

"You are a bizarre, little boy, Kev baby."
- Tony Davenport. I finally bothered to ask for his last name!

I'm not that strange, am I? I've always thought the things I did in public was the norm. I know for a fact that the shit I do alone or with friends aren't exactly the things the next person would do but who isn't like that? Who doesn't alter their personality to conform to the expectations of modern society? as much as people say that they don't, they do. There's no way you would still be regarded as a human being if you behaved how you normally would outside but I suppose that all depends on how vast the two personalities are.

They've started to come in a little, I've always been open about pretty much everything the concerns me but they're starting to want to know more about me, which isn't something I'm opposed to, I'm just worried they might find something out that they didn't want to know. I think there's a certain period of time where people will ignore you and just let you work, and because most would give up before that time period is over, the moment you pass that threshold, they start to consider you as more of a team player, and it's almost impossible to avoid the situation where you try to get to know your team members due to the foreseeable time you'll know you'll eventually spend together. I told Tony about myself and shared my views and opinions of his questions and by the time my mouth had stopped moving, his was still. He looked dumbfounded as if he had just discovered a muffin in his pocket that didn't belong to him. He told me I was bizarre and we left it at that. I don't care for the opinions of others but I couldn't help wonder what he might've said had I stuck around a little longer. Like why am I bizarre and how he came to that conclusion but I left so that I could get my daily exercise in. Maybe I left because I know that there will be another occasion where we'll pick up where we left off so I didn't think about it all that much, either way though, the fact remains that I'm a weirdo amongst this group of weirdos, thus making me the alpha weirdo, I will be feared.

  Ain't No Reason - Brett Dennen

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