Monday 4 August 2014


"If I lay here, if I just lay here..."
- Kevin Le, on the floor after an insane leg workout.

You'd think my lack of activity would inevitably lead me to be antisocial but even my very small to-do list comes with surprises. I woke up at 9, brushed my teeth and got ready for gym. It's always best to get these things out of the way as soon as possible, otherwise, that feeling of stress takes over your body followed by disappointment for a lengthy period of time, as if you've to imagine to begin to start an assignment that's due in the next 4 hours, that always sucked.

I did my thing which led to my hugging the ground in search for comfort because I destroyed my own legs moments before, after I was done singing and crying, a familiar face walked in and as I tried to function as if I had two perfectly working feet. I started and kept a conversation with a dude who I despised so much throughout my early high school life, just thinking about him makes me want go on a journey to find his house so that I can stab him with a box of tissues but I like to think I've grown past all that. He doesn't seem to remember all that shit that happened so there's nothing I can do. His name is Jacob Ha by the way. I didn't want you to think that I actually care about the privacy of other people, I do care, just not as much as the next person would. I'm feeling a little heated now. Fucking Jacob Ha.

Flames - Penguin Soup

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