Saturday 2 August 2014

Drifting away.

"Did you get fatter?"
- Joseph Pham

Well yeah, I guess I have put on a few pounds over these last few weeks, I was actually happy to hear it come from someone's mouth, which is a strange thing to get worked up over but it's different if that's what you're going for, and even if it wasn't, I find it hard to be offended by an observation. There can't be anything wrong with stating a fact but that doesn't seem to be the case anywhere.

Oh man, I think I'm coming down with something. It's not often that I get sick but when it hits, bro, it hits like a fucking truck, it's always this time of the year, too. Hope it won't be as bad as the previous years, but that's what I always say. When it does happen, I always think to myself "this has got to be the worse yet" and I'll be damned if that wasn't the case at the time.

My body is starting to look the way I want it, it's about damn time, too. The amount of time I spent just figuring out what the fuck works is stupendously plentiful but now that I know what to do, it won't take as much time (I hope) but my image of physical idealism is about as secure as the wind and I won't know if I suddenly want a body like Scott Adkins or Phil Heath, or even FuriousPete but when I do decide, you can bet your ass I'm gonna get it.

Drifting Away - Housewell, Side B & Karl VanBurkleo

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