Sunday 3 August 2014

Earth song.

"Where are you taking me?"
- Kevin Le, in an unexpected car ride with Dante and Isabel.

I ended up in Harbour Town. I don't think I've ever been there before but it sure felt like I have, probably went there as a child, you know, when family/family friends come over for a little holiday and suddenly it's expected of you to take them to all the landmarks, places like Dreamworld, Seaworld, Movieworld and all that jazz, Harbour Town felt like one of them.

I don't remember much, mainly the animal shelter, the candy shop and the Nike factory but I suppose that's enough. I don't know why I even bother going, seems like such a waste to bring someone who's so oblivious to his surroundings, I swear I must've gotten lost like, half a dozen times; looking back and forth for my acting parents whilst on the outside keeping composure but on the inside, I'm freaking out in the isle of discounted running shoes. It didn't feel good, it was fun but it felt like I was keeping them from doing them, the things they wanted. Even though they asked if I could come, it was more like a gesture of sympathy, I could be over thinking things, though. It makes little sense to me as to why they would ask if they weren't ready for what was coming when I said "yes" but then again, many things make little sense to me even though they're everywhere I look. Things are strange.

Not a bad way to spend my Sunday. Once I had gotten home, I starting wondering who should I hit up to be my weekly bum, and after an insane amount of contemplation (more like 4 minutes really, still a lot) it had dawned on me that I had already spent time with a person I usually don't spend time with; Isabel, and with that thought, the rest of the day was a complete bludge, knowing that I already bummed with my bum, the rest of the day felt somewhat flippant.

Earth Song - Michael Jackson

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