Wednesday 6 August 2014

Ready for action.

"He's ugly as."
- MyVy Ngo, introducing me to her mother yet again.

I had this indescribable feeling all day, but if I were to give it a go, I would probably say it was a mixture of anxiousness, stress and heart-sink (I don't know if that's even a word) that took over me, so to go through a good 8 hours of that whilst keeping a customer face wasn't something I had done before and when I come to face something I have no clue about, I tend to react a little differently than how others would but, I managed to survive the day, shame it wasn't until the end of the day that I figured out why my day could've been a lot better than it was.

Today was MyVy's birthday. She's one of those people whose been around for as long as you could remember, and because of this, there are a couple of things that just stick; the date of her birth was one of them. I remember last year, fuck all celebrated her birthday so I figured it must've been because she intended to keep it secret and I respected that enough to play dumb and not do anything as well, that didn't sit well with me that night one year ago so I thought "fuck it" and crashed her house with a muffin and candles this year and that felt a lot better. I met her boyfriend as well, it was hard to picture her with a man since the whole time I've known her, she was never with one, she may of had one but I never saw her in the company of one, but maybe that was just because I was always dozing off in classes I wasn't even apart of. Introduced myself to this dude, had a small chat and gapped it. The last thing I want is to be in the way of something that doesn't involve me, I don't know, I've always felt that away around couples, pisses me off to be honest.

Happy birthday, MyVy. Hope you had a dope sinh nhat.

you dopey bastard :L

Ready For Action - Alvaro & Joey Dale

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