Monday 3 October 2016


"I'll see you when I look at you."
- Kevin Le

You know, it's never been "see you later" or "see you soon" or anything like that anymore, this sort of farewell is the most accurate. There's no pressure or promise made and even though it's one of the more heartless farewells, it's the most preferable, to me anyway.

Sometime in gap when I stopped blogging til now, there was a time when I was invited to a spit roast. I remember it so clearly because the only thing that stood out to me was how much I was looking forward to it, I mean, I can't imagine anyone who would bother to go to a spit roast and not look forward to the actual spit roast but at the same time, a person like that wouldn't surprise me, there seem to be a lot of people that I can't make sense of. The entire event was revolved around the roast. It was a small gathering, maybe 10 or 12 people, half of which I've never met. It didn't matter how nice they seemed, what mattered was the roast, afterall, it was the only reason I even left the house. I must've waited 2 hours when I arrived an hour after the roast was meant to be ready. As childish as this seems, I got extremely annoyed and left due to my impatience. I know I didn't leave a very good impression but it's rare that I ever do. The host attempted to apologize but then I threatened to punch him right in his over-promising, unprepared, stupid face and then he let me go. It's insane how you expect the bare minimum to nothing and you're still disappointed. I remembered how he tried to make amends the day after and I shot him down faster than a coloured guy in the 1800's. Can't be disappointed if you don't give them a chance.

Sorry, I got a little side-tracked with this story.

The main point of this post was how I ended up in possession of this hair clip belonging to Squishy that night and ever since then, I've been meaning to give it back to her, putting it in my pocket everytime I walked around Inala doing my rounds of crappy Inala food and coffee. I can't even remember how long ago it was. I woke up this morning to do a removal for a nice, old lady over at Brassall. She didn't have many belongings, most of which was already packed in boxes and ready to go. A 2 hour job and suddenly, I had the rest of the day to myself. I went to check up on Mumsies and even though it was also Bobby's day off, he's never away from her, I feel relieved knowing that even on his downtime, he'd rather be with Mumsies than say; gambling all the family's savings away and secretly marrying another woman overseas, plotting to sell the house to get enough funds to bring said-wife to Australia, effectively ruining every life involved. Fucking load off my shoulders.

The visit must've only been 10 minutes and then I set off again. While waiting at the traffic light, my attention was drawn to the hair clip and then I made my way to Denne's house. I was lucky to catch him while he was at home, I didn't want to hang on to anything that didn't belong to me any longer than I had to and so I took this chance to see if I still had the ability to hold a decent conversation with another human being without having the urge to beat them up with their own belongings and as it turns out; I can, but I suppose it depends on the person I'm having the conversation with.

We spoke about the things you'd expect to talk about to someone you haven't seen in years: Past mutual friends, relationships, careers, and how much has changed since the last time you met, as well as the amazing and dumb shit you've done, you know, the things that you'd think make a good story one day. I went home and he went to pick up Squishy, they even invited me to dinner tonight but I turned down their offer not because I didn't want to go, but because I think I've decided to stay away from people who aren't my family for the time being. It's hard to explain but I don't want to be in an area where I don't have full control of the situation. These past few years have really taken a toll on my way of thinking. I hope it's a phase as much as I hope it isn't.

Tongues (RAC remix) - Joywaves & Kopps

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