Monday 31 October 2016

Take a walk.

"I fucked up over the weekend, Kevy"
- Ryan Henderson, as he proceeded to tell me what he did last night.

The guy came back from a night of hard partying and harder drugs came home and physically abused his younger brother in some drug-induced, irrational rage. He feels terrible for it but that didn't stop me from reminding him how much of a piece of shit he is for doing it though, but to be honest, maybe calling him "the scum of mankind" every 20 minutes for 8 hours is going a little overboard but if there's one thing I discovered; it's that instead of tattering between the lines of under and overboard, it's easier to take the jump and see exactly where that line is. Go over the line once and you'll never have to do it again, provided you don't want to.

I don't even know why he even told me. I mean yeah, I'm 2IC ("second in charge" for morons like me who only found out like 3 hours ago) but that doesn't mean that he has confide his personal feelings/problems to me. He doesn't ask anything about me so I just thought it was natural for me to not ask anything about him, even though I know he would tell me without a second thought and I, him.

I think I've made it very clear how involved I want to be with these people, which is not at all. There have been many attempts to get me into their little clique but shudder at the thought of it. Can you imagine being with people with no moral compass or conscious outside of work on any basis? It's not worth the trouble, even if it does mean I'd have a friend or two, and even though the "nothing is certain" I am absolutely certain that these people, the people I see almost everyday; are people you (I) do not want to be involved with.

I just want to do whatever it is I have to do, and then go home to my family. Who would've thought that would be so hard?

Han Hee Jung (Dawny) - Take a walk

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