Wednesday 5 October 2016

Strobes Pt.2

"Back when I was a kid, Mum and Dad were both in prison...."
- Ryan Henderson. Despite the content of that quote, I don't think I've heard a more casual way to start a sentence.

You ever been in a really exhausted state, whether it'd be due to a run, workout or any other physical activity and some cunt that doesn't smell too fresh kinda just walks past you while you're breathing in and out really hard and you kinda just inhale that fucker's stench and it straight up ruins your day? yeah, nah. That shit is nasty, son. It's not even a harmless "smell" (if you want to be nice about it), this dude was literally emitting poison from himself, like yeah, I get that you've been doing some crazy and I even respect that but shit, where is the line, man? where's that point where you figure "I should probably stop passively killing people around me and go home" or something? Maybe they don't realize it and so I thought I was doing this dude a favor by saying "you got a dead rodent in your pocket or something, mate?" but he must've realized he didn't smell too flash because that was not a reaction you would have if you didn't know you smelt like an infested zoo in the desert, so he stayed around; as if to prove a point. I'll never understand that socially-agreed upon set of mannerisms people seem to have.

So Andy is better than me in rhythm games now. That might not sound like a big deal but rhythm games were one of the few things I prided myself on, well, I say rhythm games but I really mean "Stepmania" He's not a great deal better than me, but the difference is certainly noticeable. I've been in a mini-emotional breakdown since this discovery and it's starting to affect how I see Andy as a human being. Put bluntly; he's a piece of shit to me and I hope he breaks his fingers in some freak Stepmania incident, that bastard. As sad as this sounds, this just might be one of the most significant changes in my life in the last 2-3 years.

Strobes Pt.2 - Lamaitre

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