Sunday 2 October 2016

Love somebody.

"Stay away from him"
- Quite a few people, actually. Do I come across that way?

Yo, It's been awhile. A little over 2 years. I suppose a lot has happened in that time but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'll try to list them:

- I'm fucking 22
- I've stopped piano for the time being to make room for dat grind
- Fitness has lowered in priority and it shows
- Joseph's 7 year old daughter died from cancer
- I've become a lot more distant from the people I knew
- I'm more determined than ever to get this family out of the ghetto
- Still don't have a girlfriend :L mind you, it's not like I'm looking.
- Christina Grimmie is also dead
- I became the manager of my workplace and then stepped down because fuck responsibility
- Pretty much everyone who I've mentioned from work in my earlier posts has left
- I've become less tolerant to people I care about and more tolerant to people I don't
- Beau married the love of his life and became a father despite being born 4 days before I was
- Family is still number one
- EDM isn't a thing for me anymore
- The grind is the realest thing I will ever know

That's just to name a few. I'm going to try and post more frequently but I'm not going to make any promises. I don't even know why I started again, to be honest. I've been so busy these past few years that it feels like I've just got the time to do something like blog about my life now. Generally speaking, I don't think much has changed but if you met me now and had a decent idea of what I was like before, then you'd probably disagree.

It's good to be back, even if it was just for a brief moment. I still look forward to reading this when it's all over.

Love Somebody - Ta-ku & Wafia

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