Wednesday 31 October 2012

Does that me crazy ?

"What's going on ?
nobody knows.
The worst thing to call someone is "crazy" it's dismissive.
"I don't understand this person, so they're crazy"
that's bullshit cause people are not crazy, they're strong people,
maybe their environment is a little sick,"

It's not until after a hard day that you start to feel good about your bad choices. Almost out of no where these tiny moments of contentment start to present themselves more and more often, recalling things you would not have recalled otherwise. It was probably the long breeze under the shade that prompted such bizarre thoughts, the thoughts themselves weren't bizarre but rather how they happened is something I wish I knew. 

It's no surprise that so many other people who own blogs don't write an awful lot as more and more posts come to pass, it's probably because there's simply nothing to blog about, either that, or they just feel the events that took place on that day wouldn't pique the interest of some readers, which in a sense, is extremely ridiculous. A blog is something you keep, something you want to write, you're not owning a blog solely for the sake of meeting the expectations of others, but then again, it really just might be because there was nothing worth remembering :L

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Ashes, Ashes

"I feel our every awkward interaction isn't something
That will validate my love for you, I don't know how to prove it
I want to be your brother, I just don't know how to do it."

Starting to realize that the pictures and clips I link have nothing to do with the content of each post, I don't know if it should :S I'll have a little look-see at other blogs later on to see what's "hip" these days. On second thought, the fact that I even linked a song might have a subconscious meaning in itself. Hopefully I'll see more into this when I re-read this blog when I'm a thousand years old. 

I lent money to a certain someone today, he's got quite a bad reputation with money as of late and the only reason why I even agreed to lend him the money he needed was because I was caught off guard, hope this never happens ever again. After waking up and realizing what the fuck just happened, I figured this might be a good chance to see where his priorities lay. Asking money for his little brother's formal event from people who have nothing to do with it seems a little wonky to me, real talk though, who the fuck even does that ?     I lent him around $150 and if he doesn't pay up by the time he said he would, I'm willing to give it to him for the exchange that I no longer have to be under the presence of his existence. I wonder if I'm going a little too far... When I think about the bigger picture, I should really just let it slide now that I put some more thought into it, all my problems are so insignificant, what does $150 really amount to ? shit could be worse.

Monday 29 October 2012

"What the world needs now,

Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
that there's just too little of"

Being responsible for a blog is like having an assignment due everyday, at first it was something as I saw as a hassle but once I get started, it doesn't take much for me to think of something to write, whether it be the thoughts that go through my head or just the events that take place on that particular day or even a mixture of the two.

Another day where I wake up to the wonderful melody of three Asian adults who seem to be on crack that is my alarm, I'm lucky to be able to work with awesome people everyday, although that's coming to an end in the near future but just like everything else, I've managed to savor and really enjoy the moments to a point where I don't become entirely selfish. It's strange how things work, I've always known that life will come back and bite you in the arse if you deserved it, but after seeing it so bluntly I kind of feel like it's a little bit unfair. I want to brush it off as if it's not my concern but being told that we're a "group" and that we should help when needed kinda contradicts how I lived my life, not saying it's a bad thing, maybe this little ordeal is something I should learn from. I don't think I can go on living my life disregarding people and their problems if their problems are right in front of my face. As soon as I leave my house, even if it's just for work, this shit happens.

I'm pretty sure I'm just thinking about all the bad things and not paying enough attention to all the wonderful things when I leave for work but if I were to list everything I that made me glad everyday, the list wouldn't stop, I'm certain.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Lazy Sundays.

"We avoid the risks in life...
so we can make it safely to death."

You know, I don't think that .gif image complements that quote at all, unfortunately for my blog, I'm a lazy fuck, so I'm not going to change it.

It's pretty hard to sum up a day without mentioning any names, maybe I'm just subconsciously concerned for their safety for some bizarre reason :L
Today was a good day but then again, it doesn't take much to make my day, pretty much if my house hasn't burnt down then it's been a good day, which is perfect for someone like me. Not many exciting things happen around me or maybe they do, I just don't go for it as hard anymore but whilst everyone is doing their thang, a little leisure time (or in my case, a metric fuck-tonne of leisure time) is something I can't get enough of. It's important to take things in your own pace, just as long as you admit it. Nothing rustles my jimmies more than people who want to do something but stay at home as if imprisoned, using lame ass excuses like lack of freedom or strict parents. I'm probably not one to talk, the constriction of parental guidance was something I've felt but don't remember and I suppose that really fucked me up for "normal" people.

I'm extremely lucky to have brothers who are on the same wavelength as I am, if it weren't for them, I think I would be extremely socially awkward, ruining any chance of developing other family members.
Nigga, family is fucking EVERYTHING.

Saturday 27 October 2012

Thank you

"It's okay for you to dwell on your loss for now.
It's important to accept defeat as a defeat.
If a person had never experienced the emotional impact of defeat,
he neither learns how to stand back up after he falls nor how to move on.
So dwell as much as you like.
But when you're done, stand up and move."

Today was an old friend's 18th birthday celebration party although it wasn't really her 18th. I'll admit the moment just before I walked into the house, I was instantly reminded of why I was so reluctant at first to come to the party at all. The truth is that person played a much larger part of my life than I think she realizes, even now I can't tell if it was a change for the better or worse. The things she showed me, as unintentional as they seemed, left a detrimental mark on how I saw things and once I saw it, I cannot unsee it, even if I wanted to. I'd even go as far as to say she was one of the people I tried really hard to avoid, the illusion of a birthday celebration clouded my priorities, as they've always done all my life, the social standards of how people go about celebrating the day of a person's birth is to me, nothing particularly special but everyone else seems to see it differently and it's something I just learnt to go with.

This situation is probably what I'd consider as my first hurdle in life in a long time. As the night progressed, all the things she did to me, everything I wanted to avoid about her, completely vanished, or at least that is what I'd like to think, as of right now, I don't think I can hold anything against her like I used to, even if it wasn't a thought I showed openly, It was always there. I think I left that house as a person who is that much closer to contentment.

I've never saw it before but moving on is fucking hard, as vagina as that sounds, it really is but it'll be that much easier if you just take the initiative. I'll be sure to tell how I thought of her one of these days, it's not going to be pretty but I'd imagine if she somehow ended up here and found out that I was being "fake" to her this entire time, it's not going to be any better :L

Friday 26 October 2012

Old Mate.

"Fear no man, whatever his size
Just call upon me and I will equalize"

It's always good to catch up with old friends when you've not seen/heard height nor hair of where they are or what they're doing at that moment. There's that little bit of comfort knowing that they still remember you and it was just as if you saw them the day before. They point out what's different and what's the same about your personality and physical attributes, keeping somewhat of a mind tab on you and you get to pick up on the subtle changes that made you into who you are now, as sad as it is to admit it, change really is inevitable and we'll all come to terms with it one way or another.

I'm really glad that there's that one person that binds one party to another, creating situations where you'll have no choice but to meet new people or talk to people you've seen but not yet had the pleasure of getting acquainted with, it really reveals a side to the world you've not yet seen and your view and perspective changes entirely. It really is fucking awesome.

I would like to thank my brother, Jack Hogan for inviting me to his 18th birthday celebration for many reasons but mainly for keeping me reassured that regardless the relationship I have with other people, the image of me being me still remains in the minds of so many people, people whom I've regretted not getting to know better, although at the time, there might have been a good reason for that though.

Really, thank you, Hogan. I had a blast.

Thursday 25 October 2012


"Pile full of photographs, phone full of texts
Burn all the proof then move on to the next
I know it sounds harsh but the quicker you forget
Is the quicker you'll find happiness"

I hate getting too impatient and listening to an album before owning the physical copy =='

I am truly blessed to have family come and go from my house when I'm purposely trying not to socialize with people, it really shows who's real and who's all talk. I've spent a majority of my time indoors, unless of course when I'm working or have to leave the house for whatever reason. The reason for it is simple but I bet it's something not a lot of people can see reason in. Being this anti-social was never my intention to be honest, it's just more convenient that I don't see something I don't want to when I don't have to, people might go about it differently but I'm lazy :L and laying on my bed with music put just at the right volume in a room where minimal light pierces the thick curtains creating a extraordinary atmosphere sounds just like my cup of tea.

I really cannot wait for more future posts in this blog, it feels like the more I'll write, the more I'll remember, the more I'll be thinking about it, the more memories will be brought back upon me while doing everyday things. Happiness will constantly overcome me as I revisit the places where the memorable events took place that I would not have remembered otherwise and if that doesn't happen then it doesn't matter, at least I tried.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Let me tell you a bit more about myself.

"The time you enjoyed wasting, is not time wasted."

Hm, guess I should do a more detailed introduction or something then.

I am a very, very, very fortunate person, from the "troubles" that I'll eventually have to deal with to the family I live for, I love them all. I have a mother and her husband, a father and his wife, 2 half-sisters 2 brothers and countless other people I've been lucky enough to meet throughout my wonderful life, people who I'd even consider family. Whether I'm close to anyone in particular is entirely up to them, categorizing the people you meet to "friends", "best friends" or "enemies" was something I never really understood and at the rate I'm going, I don't think I'll ever understand.

For the last 2-3 years, I've been living by myself but it wasn't til recently that I found myself sharing my roof with another person and her cat and to be honest, nothing has changed other than the occasional smell of overpowering kitty poop.

I'm particularly proud of the way I live my life and how I deal with things. Stupid man once said "life is fun when you're stupid" and ever since then, life was something I could see more into than anything else although not everyone would agree :L which is fine, that is also something I've learnt to accept, people will shut you down and shit all over you but even when you fall flat on your face, you're still moving forward.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Oh god, I've created a blog

Good evenin' there.

My name is Kevin Le, I am currently 18 years of age as of September 20th.
It's difficult to say why I made a blog, maybe it's because it suddenly dawned on me that I might not be able to remember all of the awesome times I've spent with my family and since taking videos, pictures and the sort is not my forte, I figured a blog was the next best thing; or maybe since there are so many others who have a blog I felt lonely and conformed to quench this sense of one-sided douchebaggery OR maybe it's a little something something for me to reflect on when I'm a wee bit older :L I can't say for sure. I'll be sure to touch up on this as more posts come to pass.

I really hope I make a habit out of this. Even memorable memories don't surface unless mentioned. I'll be putting what goes through my head in future posts a lot I imagine, it'll be good for me as well, I can write down what bothers me instead of forgetting them the moment they pass.

What you're about to read is one out of countless perspectives, a view which no one might even care about, and they shouldn't, one life is too insignificant but you don't have to care to enjoy the little things in life, just don't disregard it as something redundant because everything has the potential to be anything.

Nice to meet you.