Wednesday 31 October 2012

Does that me crazy ?

"What's going on ?
nobody knows.
The worst thing to call someone is "crazy" it's dismissive.
"I don't understand this person, so they're crazy"
that's bullshit cause people are not crazy, they're strong people,
maybe their environment is a little sick,"

It's not until after a hard day that you start to feel good about your bad choices. Almost out of no where these tiny moments of contentment start to present themselves more and more often, recalling things you would not have recalled otherwise. It was probably the long breeze under the shade that prompted such bizarre thoughts, the thoughts themselves weren't bizarre but rather how they happened is something I wish I knew. 

It's no surprise that so many other people who own blogs don't write an awful lot as more and more posts come to pass, it's probably because there's simply nothing to blog about, either that, or they just feel the events that took place on that day wouldn't pique the interest of some readers, which in a sense, is extremely ridiculous. A blog is something you keep, something you want to write, you're not owning a blog solely for the sake of meeting the expectations of others, but then again, it really just might be because there was nothing worth remembering :L

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