Tuesday 23 October 2012

Oh god, I've created a blog

Good evenin' there.

My name is Kevin Le, I am currently 18 years of age as of September 20th.
It's difficult to say why I made a blog, maybe it's because it suddenly dawned on me that I might not be able to remember all of the awesome times I've spent with my family and since taking videos, pictures and the sort is not my forte, I figured a blog was the next best thing; or maybe since there are so many others who have a blog I felt lonely and conformed to quench this sense of one-sided douchebaggery OR maybe it's a little something something for me to reflect on when I'm a wee bit older :L I can't say for sure. I'll be sure to touch up on this as more posts come to pass.

I really hope I make a habit out of this. Even memorable memories don't surface unless mentioned. I'll be putting what goes through my head in future posts a lot I imagine, it'll be good for me as well, I can write down what bothers me instead of forgetting them the moment they pass.

What you're about to read is one out of countless perspectives, a view which no one might even care about, and they shouldn't, one life is too insignificant but you don't have to care to enjoy the little things in life, just don't disregard it as something redundant because everything has the potential to be anything.

Nice to meet you.

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