Monday 29 October 2012

"What the world needs now,

Is love, sweet love
It's the only thing
that there's just too little of"

Being responsible for a blog is like having an assignment due everyday, at first it was something as I saw as a hassle but once I get started, it doesn't take much for me to think of something to write, whether it be the thoughts that go through my head or just the events that take place on that particular day or even a mixture of the two.

Another day where I wake up to the wonderful melody of three Asian adults who seem to be on crack that is my alarm, I'm lucky to be able to work with awesome people everyday, although that's coming to an end in the near future but just like everything else, I've managed to savor and really enjoy the moments to a point where I don't become entirely selfish. It's strange how things work, I've always known that life will come back and bite you in the arse if you deserved it, but after seeing it so bluntly I kind of feel like it's a little bit unfair. I want to brush it off as if it's not my concern but being told that we're a "group" and that we should help when needed kinda contradicts how I lived my life, not saying it's a bad thing, maybe this little ordeal is something I should learn from. I don't think I can go on living my life disregarding people and their problems if their problems are right in front of my face. As soon as I leave my house, even if it's just for work, this shit happens.

I'm pretty sure I'm just thinking about all the bad things and not paying enough attention to all the wonderful things when I leave for work but if I were to list everything I that made me glad everyday, the list wouldn't stop, I'm certain.

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