Thursday 25 October 2012


"Pile full of photographs, phone full of texts
Burn all the proof then move on to the next
I know it sounds harsh but the quicker you forget
Is the quicker you'll find happiness"

I hate getting too impatient and listening to an album before owning the physical copy =='

I am truly blessed to have family come and go from my house when I'm purposely trying not to socialize with people, it really shows who's real and who's all talk. I've spent a majority of my time indoors, unless of course when I'm working or have to leave the house for whatever reason. The reason for it is simple but I bet it's something not a lot of people can see reason in. Being this anti-social was never my intention to be honest, it's just more convenient that I don't see something I don't want to when I don't have to, people might go about it differently but I'm lazy :L and laying on my bed with music put just at the right volume in a room where minimal light pierces the thick curtains creating a extraordinary atmosphere sounds just like my cup of tea.

I really cannot wait for more future posts in this blog, it feels like the more I'll write, the more I'll remember, the more I'll be thinking about it, the more memories will be brought back upon me while doing everyday things. Happiness will constantly overcome me as I revisit the places where the memorable events took place that I would not have remembered otherwise and if that doesn't happen then it doesn't matter, at least I tried.

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