Friday 26 October 2012

Old Mate.

"Fear no man, whatever his size
Just call upon me and I will equalize"

It's always good to catch up with old friends when you've not seen/heard height nor hair of where they are or what they're doing at that moment. There's that little bit of comfort knowing that they still remember you and it was just as if you saw them the day before. They point out what's different and what's the same about your personality and physical attributes, keeping somewhat of a mind tab on you and you get to pick up on the subtle changes that made you into who you are now, as sad as it is to admit it, change really is inevitable and we'll all come to terms with it one way or another.

I'm really glad that there's that one person that binds one party to another, creating situations where you'll have no choice but to meet new people or talk to people you've seen but not yet had the pleasure of getting acquainted with, it really reveals a side to the world you've not yet seen and your view and perspective changes entirely. It really is fucking awesome.

I would like to thank my brother, Jack Hogan for inviting me to his 18th birthday celebration for many reasons but mainly for keeping me reassured that regardless the relationship I have with other people, the image of me being me still remains in the minds of so many people, people whom I've regretted not getting to know better, although at the time, there might have been a good reason for that though.

Really, thank you, Hogan. I had a blast.

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