Sunday 28 October 2012

Lazy Sundays.

"We avoid the risks in life...
so we can make it safely to death."

You know, I don't think that .gif image complements that quote at all, unfortunately for my blog, I'm a lazy fuck, so I'm not going to change it.

It's pretty hard to sum up a day without mentioning any names, maybe I'm just subconsciously concerned for their safety for some bizarre reason :L
Today was a good day but then again, it doesn't take much to make my day, pretty much if my house hasn't burnt down then it's been a good day, which is perfect for someone like me. Not many exciting things happen around me or maybe they do, I just don't go for it as hard anymore but whilst everyone is doing their thang, a little leisure time (or in my case, a metric fuck-tonne of leisure time) is something I can't get enough of. It's important to take things in your own pace, just as long as you admit it. Nothing rustles my jimmies more than people who want to do something but stay at home as if imprisoned, using lame ass excuses like lack of freedom or strict parents. I'm probably not one to talk, the constriction of parental guidance was something I've felt but don't remember and I suppose that really fucked me up for "normal" people.

I'm extremely lucky to have brothers who are on the same wavelength as I am, if it weren't for them, I think I would be extremely socially awkward, ruining any chance of developing other family members.
Nigga, family is fucking EVERYTHING.

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