Tuesday 30 October 2012

Ashes, Ashes

"I feel our every awkward interaction isn't something
That will validate my love for you, I don't know how to prove it
I want to be your brother, I just don't know how to do it."

Starting to realize that the pictures and clips I link have nothing to do with the content of each post, I don't know if it should :S I'll have a little look-see at other blogs later on to see what's "hip" these days. On second thought, the fact that I even linked a song might have a subconscious meaning in itself. Hopefully I'll see more into this when I re-read this blog when I'm a thousand years old. 

I lent money to a certain someone today, he's got quite a bad reputation with money as of late and the only reason why I even agreed to lend him the money he needed was because I was caught off guard, hope this never happens ever again. After waking up and realizing what the fuck just happened, I figured this might be a good chance to see where his priorities lay. Asking money for his little brother's formal event from people who have nothing to do with it seems a little wonky to me, real talk though, who the fuck even does that ?     I lent him around $150 and if he doesn't pay up by the time he said he would, I'm willing to give it to him for the exchange that I no longer have to be under the presence of his existence. I wonder if I'm going a little too far... When I think about the bigger picture, I should really just let it slide now that I put some more thought into it, all my problems are so insignificant, what does $150 really amount to ? shit could be worse.

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