Thursday 1 November 2012

10 Rounds

"The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention"

The picture above has a story to it apparently. It played quite a major role in a certain someone's life; said he felt "calm" whenever he saw it. He was recently in an incident where he lost both his parents and it was thanks to this picture that he didn't lose it, can't say I feel the same but there isn't a doubt on my mind that it certainly is a beautiful image, kinda makes me wonder about how pictures and other forms of art can convey powerful to no meaning depending on the person who is exposed to them, it sounds like a make-believe thing but I don't think it's entirely false, but even if it was I hope I never know. They say ignorance is bliss and it's something I've unintentionally lived by. That small sense of hope knowing that there's always something to fall back on when shit goes down is what courage and confidence derives from, for some it could be art or music, for others it could be a hobby, either way not everyone is different, I would even go as far as to say that we're all the same.

Whoever ends up reading this is going to have one hard fucking time trying to figure out if it's really me typing all this jibber-jabber and I can't say I blame you. Haccao is one helluva drug.

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