Friday 17 May 2013

19 is a pretty big number...

"If there is a god,
he better beg for my forgiveness."

There are currently 3 people sleeping in my room. It's seems to be like a tradition to burn out in my house after every gathering, not that I mind, it's just something I seemed to have noticed over the years.

It's cool how the things you used to worry about become one of those things you barely notice until you're pretty much forced to think about it to even have it ring any bells. I used to dwell over the most stupid things, things that made no fucking sense whatsoever but after all that happened today, my worries and unnecessary thoughts have come to another minimum. It's amazing how people can do things without uttering a word, maybe it's because I want to believe it's one thing when it might be the other, leaving it to open interpretation and I just picked the one that benefited me the most. Thank you so much, mate.

Happy 19th mooooiiiitteeeeeee
It was a dope night. Thank you for fuckin' errythangggg

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