Thursday 30 May 2013

We're family.

"It's impossible for all wishes to come true if you pray for them.
But if you think and put your best effort forth until the end, then the outcome can't be that bad."

Room porn is like, the second best type porn, second only to food porn, of course.
I have a bunch of ideas for my future home, I just hope I'll have the time, patience, money and determination to go through with the ideas. It's a shame I'm not into books or anything, that would've been a nice touch to what I have in mind.

I know I've said being alone is nice but hanging out with the people that are fond of you is a nice change of pace once in awhile. They possess the patience to deal with your shit and it's something I'm forever grateful for. I guess it comes naturally though but I can't help but wonder what they find burdening and I suppose they won't tell you because they feel like that is the right thing to do but I'd much rather an honest opinion than a masked one even if the outcome isn't what you thought it would be.

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