Monday 13 May 2013

Fuck it.

"Now tell me how was I supposed to feel when the president spoke ?
when he ain't never had a struggle; ain't never been broke.
Ain't even roll through the ghetto; ain't never been close.
Trustin' the government is like trustin' the devil in oath."

Reading all these blogs kinda made me wanna post. I didn't read much, skimming through posts about a person's rants, workout routines and summery of their day. I'm not saying that it's wrong, perhaps it's just all you can blog about. I think the reason why I can't think of anything to blog is because blogging is something for the mind. My mind is mostly empty. What ever goes through my head comes out of my mouth as soon as in makes contact with my ears and because of that, I'm extremely ignorant and that just leads to another array of other things.

It's easier to come to terms with yourself the more you are reminded, the more it's shoved in your face when you get a unordinary reaction from things you think that are completely ordinary. I don't get many readers but  I do want them to understand that's just the way I am and if you don't want to even try then fuck off, I don't want anything to do with you, as far as I'm concerned, you're on the same boat as those who are against gay marriage.

I think this post will become the leverage for future posts.

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