Sunday 26 May 2013


"We must be taught how to think, not what to think."

Pho weather, who am I kidding ? Pho weather is every weather. 

You really can't rely on anyone but yourself, after coming to this conclusion a few years back I started to realize that I hate people and yet, I like people who hate people. I don't generally go out and that's because I'm cool with the shit I have, here, at home. Alone time is just as (if not, more) important than time with others. When alone, there are no variables, whereas when you're with others, there's always that chance of things fucking up and I've come to notice that fuck ups are not as rare as they appear to be. I don't have high hopes in what I do, people, results and that's only because it's easier this way. I'm living life easy mode and that might not sit well with others but it's not like me to burden myself with the things I can avoid, unless it's something I feel like I want to do or should do but even then, it's still not much. People can be assholes but it's hard to pick out the ones that are and the ones that aren't, so I just assume that they're all assholes and expect nothing from them but lately I've been expecting the worse rather than expecting nothing, I swear, you can never expect what's just around the corner. I don't know man, I don't care anymore. It's not like I'm venting my problems or anything, this is just what I think about whenever I do think and that's pretty much only when I write these things late at night/early morning :L

I love my life, and if you're reading this, you should, too.

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