Friday 24 May 2013


"The key to happiness is lowered expectations."
- Unknown.

It's like 3:40am man and the first thing I was blessed with when I got out of the shower was a little facebook message from old mate Jason Bui. I don't know why he started talking to me but now that I think about it a little, I don't care either. We summed up what we did in out time apart in a 10 minute online conversation, it was mostly about weed and cars, typical Jason. It got me thinking though, I wonder what would've happened to me if I was more involved with that clique, would I become delinquent throughout my adolescence and progress to bad habits, each worse than the one before ? I know it's pointless to think about these things but I really can't help but wonder. Maybe I'm overselling myself here :L It would be impossible to keep my attitude around people like that. Every time I see anyone of those guys it feels like I'm being looked down upon, as if I abandoned my family and it makes me feel... I don't know how it makes me feel; not good but not bad. It's probably hunger, yeah, let's go with hunger, I always feel better after I eat anywho.
Found some good doof doof today, albeit it's not much but my playlist is gonna hit dem triple digits son!

Feathers - Archie & Fareoh

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