Tuesday 28 May 2013


Be fucking proud of who you are. Make you and your gratitude obvious.

I drove Jack Nguyen home, the first time I felt like I could drive my car confidently without killing anyone, even if it was in the middle of the night. There's a list of things I want to get done as soon as I get my P's, most of which are just things I feel need to be done according to my morals. hahahah see what I did there ? It's because the car I drive is an accord HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH OH GOD, I DID THAT UNINTENTIONALLY AND AM CURRENTLY CRACKING UP AT MY OWN JOKE AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH fuck, I'm funny.

Great, now I forgot what I was going to type. aw dammit, worth it. Sleep deliciously, guys.

Edit 1: you can so tell that I got distracted by that masterpiece of a joke as soon as you read the first sentence, I hope future posts will be as spontaneous as this, they were pretty spontaneous to begin with :L

Reset (Thank you) - Hiroshi Yamaguchi

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