Friday 31 May 2013

The Berlin wall.

"I think maybe we have to let go of the past sometimes, you know,
so we can hold on to our lives."

Woke up, went to volunteering at Acacia Ridge, disgusted some people, befriended others, got closer to those who wanted to and was given a jar of homemade peach jam from a wonderful 68 year old lady that goes by the name "Jan Nick" but I call her "Jam" because she makes Jam. Can't wait to buy some bread so I can try this jam out !

Hong Nguyen came to my house today. I don't think she's ever been to my house before. I get a lot of visitors so I tend to forget who's been where. She dropped off some Dash Berlin tickets and we spoke for awhile. She stalled when she drove off which gave me a good laugh. (Grats on getting your P's, bro) It's a shame she couldn't come with. I have the feeling that it would be just her cup of tea but hey, what can you do? 

Went to Family and saw Dash Berlin perform, I don't know what to say, it was quite literally astonishing. There was not a minute where the mix was dull. I just, man. I don't know. You had to be there.

Danced for like 5 hours straight, got to see familiar faces which is always good. Really wished I got that mix though, there aren't many 3 hour long mixes I would listen to over and over but goddamnit, Dash, you outdid yourself tonight. Went expecting good, left with gold.

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