Wednesday 22 May 2013

Nipple. Squirrel. Ham.

"hahaha, enjoy the little things."

I'd post a picture or something but I lack the technology to upload something worthwhile unfortunately, so I will wait til a later date where my resources will allow that much. There's something about a speckless sight that makes me giddy, I'm sure I've touched up on this on a previous post but it really is something I can't get over, shit be sparklin' n' shit. 

There is really (well, on the top of my head) nothing I can think about to type. Maybe I should ramble on about things that don't matter, then again, nothing matters in the long run. I could type about my day, about how I bumped into a mate's mother while I was volunteering and how I was mistaken for another person throughout an entire conversation and just to save her the shame, I played along, but such posts is not to my liking, rather, I feel posting about my day would be wasted effort as no one would really give a fuck but now that I think about it, I don't think they give a fuck about my thoughts either, so I'm probably fooling myself or subconsciously avoiding recording my daily life events for some unbeknownst reason but eventually, I'll run out of shit I like to type and resort to filing posts about my day. but let's hope that that doesn't happen in the near future. Luckily for me and unfortunately for you, I don't give a donkey's apple about others think so I'm just gonna do that thing I always do, when I remember what it is, I'll be sure to type it down in a later post :L 

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