Thursday 16 May 2013


"Life is hard, money makes it harder."

Posting on a daily basis is fucking hard. 
Nothing has really happened the last few days, maybe it has and I just don't remember. I was blessed with a conversation with a mate from primary school, she was there in High school but I don't think we've ever sat down and had a real conversation those days, which is kinda sad knowing that High school won't ever happen again. We talked about what there only is to talk about and that was mainly our primary school days. I was never "all there" those days. She always recalled things I don't, for the life of me, remember but to be honest, it felt like we had just talked about the same things in the exact same order once again, in retrospect, it's kinda sad. 

People are looking forward to a certain party tomorrow. It amazes me that even though the host of that party invited so many people she has (to my knowledge) barely any relation to. Maybe I'm just being ignorant, it's not unordinary if people are more than what they show.

Dude, I am so fucking hungry right now. I would go make a sandwich or something but my brother is in the next room sleeping, which hasn't happened in like 4342985902 years. Don't want to disturb a person I'm so grateful to, also, it's so fucking cold, my nipples could pierce my screen and through the window. My feet are numb and my balls are all shriveled. It's tough to exert my dominance through nakidity in Winter.

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