Monday 20 May 2013

Heading west.

"Baby, I got a plan; run away as fast as you can."

Nothing beats sipping on milk tea while trying to think of things to blog late in the evening, except food, yeah, food would probably be better right about now.

I always have this image in my head of a perfect getaway place, it varies every time I think about it but it's more or less the same. I think of a beach but instead of sand, there'd be pebbles and instead of the sea, it'd be a relatively deep river with a moderately fast current and to top it off, there'd be a log home nearby with a fireplace/barbecue with trees a far as the eye can see. I've had lucid dreams and it was the closest thing to paradise I've ever felt. I don't know why I'm sharing something so insignificant but I suppose it's better than leaving the page blank. Maybe it's something I'll eventually work towards. Niggas better be preped, there are some great things down the road for me and I'm gonna embrace the fuck out of it. 

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