Thursday 23 May 2013

Let's be excellent to eachother.

"life without music would just be a mistake."

I got a pimple on my ass and it hurts, a lot. It's not even a pimple yet, it's like a premature lump of stinging agony and I do not approve of such a thing being on my person let alone my left butt cheek. When I sit on the toilet, it's almost as if the rim of the seat is trying it's best to poke at it and when I sit down, it feels like the entire body weight is on a pin which is resting directly on the aforementioned lump of absolute bullshit. It's so cool that the worst of my problems is about a pimple on my arse, I'd much rather it be this than something like heartbreak or an assignment (yes, I did just lump the two in the same category, fuck you.) or something like that, makes me feel like a child and helps me forget that I'm fucking turning 19 this year but fuck the haters. Happy Meals all day, erry'day. 

It's getting so much harder to find music I like these days.. Everyone seems to have a significantly different preference when it comes to music so it really is something only you can do. Gimme gimme dat doof doof, moite.

PS. I'm hungry
PPS. I ate like 20 minutes ago
PPPS. It was bacon, scrambled eggs and toast
PPPPS. Yeah, I know. Bacon and eggs for dinner ?
PPPPPS. My nipples are hard.

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