Saturday 3 November 2012

A Bumming thought.

" I follow my own rules. No one else's.
Not even my own."

Isn't it strange how we never hold the people around us as tight as we should ?
It gets extremely frustrating when you can't word your emotions the way you want, simply because you feel it'd be either too embarrassing or too out-of-character of yourself. I really hope that there will be a day where I will tell exactly everyone how much they mean to me, although from their perspective, they've just been doing their thing but that's exactly what I want to thank them for, perhaps one day I'll be given that chance. I'll push all my uneasiness aside cause some things are meant to be said and the chance to tell them might slip away. It's unnerving but it's something no one can prove wrong and in all honesty, it scares me.

After high school graduation, these chances have been appearing less and less often and I don't blame anyone other than myself, not taking the effort to keep relationships is a common regret I see a lot of people make, at the time however, it seemed to be the best thing to do but what were to happen if they were to vanish one day ?
suddenly everything flips and a feeling of remorse engulfs your entire being. Yeah, I kinda don't want that to happen. 

Of course even if you say what you want to say, the remorse will still be there but at least the regret won't.

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