Saturday 10 November 2012


"There are some people who live in a dream world,
and there are some who face reality;
and then there are those who turn one into the other."

I had a little look-see around the blogs I have access to and it seems that having post titles named after the 7 sins is a popular cliche among the blogging community and I guess I can see why. The non-creative/original bunch (such as myself) use this cliche so we have 7 days where we don't need to think of a title for each post; well, that's why I did it at least but hey, if people didn't do it then it wouldn't be a cliche.

Hey, how do you think you're supposed to lead your life ?
would it make sense to believe that since life is a fleeting moment that will eventually come to pass in an insignificant amount of time that you should do what you can when you want ?
or do you think that it's because your life is so small that you should forget stress, shame, belief, sadness and initiation because such things would just pile more trouble in your life ?
perhaps it's a mixture of the two now that I think about it. I've been told being too laid back is disadvantageous long term and I can see where they're coming from but it really is too good to stop, and to change from one thing to another entirely in a short amount of time would be pretty difficult.
It's not that I'm questioning how people prefer to live their lives, it's just that there's so many beliefs, tradition and customs that to me, it seems more easier if everyone had just ignored them, as offensive as that sounds.

This is why I don't like thinking, there are too many loopholes in the way I think.
In one hand I want to wing life and say things like "ignore belief, tradition and customs" but in reality, it's those exact things that have shaped me and everyone else into what they are and I'm extremely grateful to them. In the end it's usually best to acknowledge things just the way they are. 

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