Friday 9 November 2012


"I used to wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere in the world
But then I asked myself the same question."

Even though I don't have anything to say at first, these things just naturally flow out as you begin to type, then you realize that there is too much to type about and then you get stumped as to what you want to talk about as opposed to what you should talk about.

Whenever I lay down on my bed or couch or whatever, I would always end up thinking about things, whether the things I think about are good or bad are irrelevant but the fact that I'm even thinking is pretty bad in itself. I end up watching old re-runs of classic movies or find an anime to watch, I don't know why I don't like thinking, I guess it's a way of entertaining myself or an effective way of keeping my hopes to the ground. I don't think it's particularly good in a social sense but so far, it's working pretty well. If I do lay down it's usually to go to sleep or with earphones because music is medicine for everything.

I'm starting to realize that this blog is mostly about me, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that it was not what was gunning for when I started this blog. I don't even know what I was gunning for, I guess talking about myself isn't what would interest people but to me, a blog isn't about entertainment for others rather a library filled with wonderful stories that would eventually be forgotten by everyone. Whenever I talk about myself, it feels like I'm boasting and that just makes me want to punch myself in the balls but in a blog, it comes so naturally that I'm worried I might end up doing stuff like this in real life.

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