Wednesday 7 November 2012


"You got this."

I'm not quite sure what to say anymore. I had thought that having a blog would be the perfect way to recover otherwise unrecoverable memories, you know, the small things you'd usually wouldn't remember in particular since it didn't leave much of an impact on your life, but even with a blog, I don't seem to talk about my day that often, rather, I write down what goes through my head even though it might not be much.

Every now and again I would be invited to hang with a group of unfamiliar people, I respectfully decline on the basis that I might not be able to "click" well with the group. It's just something I feel might happen and it would be better if I didn't have to deal with any misinterpretations but in the back of my mind I wonder if it really is better if I didn't give them a chance based on assumptions. The answer should be obvious but there's something about hanging with the wrong group that I'm afraid of. It makes me even more grateful to the people I've met no matter how insignificant their roles might've been, they all played a giant part in this life.

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