Tuesday 13 November 2012

I'm sorry.

"Ignorance really is bliss."

I never really understood religion. Not too long ago I had a friend talk to me about her beliefs and I was totally cool with it, I think it's a form of contentment to acknowledge the beliefs of every individual so as far as I was concerned, I was yes-man for the start of the conversation, that is until she asked me if I believed in God. Now, I'm not a religious person, I think I was at a point but a massive block of shit hit an even bigger fan so my parents never really exposed that side of society to me any further. I told her what I thought and at first, she seemed pretty cool with it and I was relieved to an extent, but that was pretty short-lived. She then wanted to show me something "interesting", it was a written conversation between a scientist/professor and a student who is religious, it became painfully apparently to me that she was trying to convert me into believing a God. I would never neglect the existence of an omnipotent being but I like to believe things after I see it. After I told her what I wanted to tell her, she asked if we could drop the conversation; another thing I don't understand about those kind of people is why they would start something and not see it through to the end.
Looking back now I guess I pushed a little too far and now neither of us can see each other in the same light ever again.

I guess the point that I'm trying to relay here is that the less you know about your friends, the easier it is to get along. I don't like asking personal questions simply because I don't want to know something I might have an issue with but at the same time, I don't mind being asking personal questions. I guess life is just more enjoyable if you just stop doing the things you think will bring you happiness and just be happy.

When I was in high school I seriously thought there was something wrong with me since I had all these contradicting traits, there probably is something wrong with me but at least I feel good about them.

good talk, Kevin

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