Monday 12 November 2012

Glad to be born

"And then I realized, I just don't give a fuck."

I used to wonder why people stress. I used to wonder about a lot of things til up about year 11 and more often than sometimes they would flutter back and stay in my head when I see certain people or talk about certain things. I'm pretty sure I still wonder why people stress :L why they do the things they do, why they feel anger, sadness, frustration over the smallest things but now I find it troubling to care. Whenever you force yourself into another's situation and help, you end up doing things that are very out-of-character and when you're asked "hey, what happened to you ?" or told "you've changed, bro" you instantly jump back and most people deny that sorta thing. You don't have to be told you've changed to actually notice it, maybe you've been just you and they're only discovering that now or maybe you really have changed, you just don't realize how you want to turn out until the change is already done. This was just one of the things I used to wonder about but now that I have a blog I think these kinda things will drag out more and more. I'm not looking forward to remembering how I was but typing it up on this might do me some good in far future.

Get ready to read some really fucked up shit.
I've never been the type of person who would hide information about myself, maybe I was and didn't realize it til now. Woah, Deja Vu, hardout.

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