Saturday 17 November 2012


"In actuality, we all die.
The goal isn't to live forever,
The goal is to create something that will."

I'm thankful for arguments. I didn't notice til a while ago that to argue with someone is a form of making up with them and what is better than an argument when it comes to proving your point, expressing your views and opening up to someone else ? After an argument, it's all about initiative, eventually one person will come up to another and make up and I don't think it's because of the valued relationship, it's simply because we're human, some people like to leave things hanging and not see them to the end but even those people can't stand things like that. A small amount of empathy can go a long way. If you flip things around though, what would happen if you met someone you can't get into an argument with ? now that, is what I find scary.

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