Sunday 4 November 2012


"Too much good stuff is bad stuff...?"

I can't stand the same sight of something too often. I made it a habit to change the things around me from time to time, a habit I picked up from my mother, so I'm digging my room's new look but it's not going to last long :L just like everything else.

There was always a family gag saying I was adopted or they found me in a trash can aiming to make me feel sad or depressed, but wouldn't hearing something like that make you feel incredibly fortunate ? If by chance I stumbled upon my family's hands and ended up where I am today, being able to see the things I saw and feel the things I've felt isn't so much something I'd be depressed or sad about but rather an insight as to see who's got it good and who's got is worse. I wonder if that's how religion came about...

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