Monday 19 November 2012

Run home.

"My mind is one world,
Everything outside is another."
- Some dude on reddit.

I can never be able to remember my dreams but when I do it's only by dot point form. I had a dream recently, I remember it well because I'll never forget how happy I when I woke up. There was a long road and next to this road was a type of shed, in this shed was another path made entirely out of dirt and trees as far as the eye can see, not exactly a serene place but it can't be considered an ugly place either. At the end of the dirt path there was a landmark but I can't for the life of me remember what it was...
My older brother was there but he had to go and left his car with me and I somehow lost the fucking car. How does that even happen ? I lost a car the size of a bedroom right under my nose. I remember how badly I shit myself in the dream, I ran the entire path and exited the shed only to find parts of the car lying on the ground, I contemplated leaving the fucking country and never returning, that was how scared I was. By the time I reached the main road, my alarm woke me up and I was in tears, a mix of tears from the aftermath of which a brick that exited my body via my butthole and tears of joy. I woke up and immediately looked for the car, the relief I felt when I saw that Dante's car was next to my room was indescribable. I ran to Dante and fell on my side, he still has no idea what the fuck happened.

It's kinda nice to know that the most fear I've ever felt came from a dream. It's not like normal people who go through fears that derive from serious situations like parental divorce or something similar but at the same time, it's kinda pathetic.

Run Home - Dumbfoundead

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