Thursday 8 November 2012


"Well done is better than well said."

Don't recall anything in particular about today.. I find myself staying up a lot later than I hoped for, as a result I don't wake up until about 2-3 in the afternoon, it's not exactly a good habit to get into but if I didn't want to do it, then I wouldn't do it :L ahhhh, now there's a good subject to touch up on.

Isn't it strange how you end up talking to people who complain about something they have complete control of ? I'm never certain how to deal with things like that. Do I tell them ? or do I ignore them ? either way, I find it's something that cannot be explained with logic. You're either lying or incredibly stupid and I really doubt it's the latter.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've explained what the name for my blog means. The word "Trill" is a conjugation of the words "True" and "Real", a word that I like to reflect on every now and again. I don't think there's ever a situation where it's good to lie, not even if it's a white lie. A lie is usually the reason why things go to shit, it's usually the reason why there are bad things in general, it could even be the push needed to initiate something terrible but the opposite is also true, the only difference is, you can't get in trouble for telling the truth and if you do, you're chilling at the wrong spot, fella.

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