Monday 5 November 2012


"The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese."

Every so often, I would go through my chat logs on MSN, it's not something I particularly find strange but I seem to be the only one who does it :L the amount of times it's helped me kill time and contemplate what was going through their mind as they were talking to me is uncountable. I really did enjoy every single conversation and it'd get my hopes up cause I'd think there would be a next time really soon. I'm not so much as a child that I'd hold a grudge against anyone who suddenly stopped the conversations since I'm not the one who takes the initiative simply because I won't know if I'm being a bother to them, but it's a good reminder that if there's something you want in life, you have to grab it by the balls and really pull them off.
I won't go as far as to say that I miss our conversations but there's definitely something like that there.

There are so many thoughts that go into a conversation that I can't be bothered to decipher each one even though I would go out of my way to re-read my conversations just to get that false sense of fulfillment as if it really were something we did everyday and by "we" I'm not directing it to anyone in particular, it's just something I whole-heartedly enjoyed doing with whoever had the time and consideration to talk to someone like me. This is something I hold dear deep down and it's something I cannot thank you enough.

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