Tuesday 6 November 2012


"When work feels overwhelming, remember that you're going to die."

Today was the last day of work, multiple companies are shutting down due to a political decision and the company that hosted the project we just finished happens to be one of them, so as of today, I am officially unemployed, as are 5000-7000 others. Unfortunate, yes but hey, what can you do ? 

I'll miss working with the people there, they all had traits about them that were rare and admirable, I hope a good amount of people in the working industry are like that, my main concern is being grouped together with people I can't click with. If you're going to have to do something, you might as well enjoy it. So I said my good-byes, shook hands with some of the most influential people I've ever met and would hope to have the pleasure of meeting again sometime, had a barbecue and away I went. If I ever had the chance to work with those people again, I would drop everything I was doing and go in a heartbeat :L

These last 5 months have been nice to me. Even though I say I lived it as much as I can, in the end, I'll still miss it, It's kinda like a certain amount of selfishness is in everyone in that sense, no matter how humble a person may be, one of the many traits that make us human.

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