Thursday 15 November 2012

Truth is

"If you can't get someone off your mind,
they're probably supposed to be there."

I'm pretty damn gullible. My older brother and I had a interesting talk with my mum over dinner tonight, somehow Mother's day was brought up and my brother giggled :L He asked if I remembered mother's day when I was in grade one, I didn't. Apparently on Mother's day some 12 odd years ago, Dante had bought my mum a bar a soap for Mother's day, sounded like something he'd do :L Mum had taken the gift and put it on the soap dish for casual use. Luck would have it that Dante and I would bath together and he convinced me that that bar of soap was really a bar of white chocolate. He and mum pressured me to take a massive chunk in my mouth, so I did. Those days were the best, It's pretty unfortunate that I remember so little but I do remember how badly I didn't want to grow up, I still don't. Growing old is mandatory, growing up isn't.

There was another time where I attempted to hatch an egg using my butt cheeks, I was told I tried this because of a cartoon I watched like, seconds before :L I stole an egg from the fridge then ran upstairs to my mum's bed, I sat on the thing and it practically exploded all over the bed and my buttocks hahahaha.

Looking back on my recent posts, I've come to notice how much of a depressing bitch I've been sounding lately, I don't know if it's because it's difficult to grasp attitude from text but I just wanted the readers (if there are any) that I'm not so childish that I'd vent my problems onto absolute randoms, I wouldn't even do it to my friends and family, but the input of a complete stranger is more often than sometimes more helpful than those who you've known all your life.

tl:dr I ate soap and crushed an egg with my ass.

Good talk, Kevin. 

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