Sunday 30 June 2013


"You know, if you focus on chicks all the time, you won't be able to focus on the more important things in life, like sword-fighting... and rough-housing." 
- Augustian Vu, wow.

Today was the first time I actually got to spend some time with Augustian and that kid says some pretty deep shit, pretty naturally, too. For those who don't know, Augustian is Hoc's youngest brother, he's like, 13 years old but is much more mature than he looks, the only thing he bought today was the entire William Shakespeare works collection for god's sake. 

It's not like I was focusing on girls in the first place but that was what he said when I stopped a young lady to tell her she was pretty because she looked a little down (but goddamn, she was fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and when he dropped that line, the moment felt pretty surreal.

Hoc invited me to DFO with Augustian and Hieu. The amount of money people spend when they go shopping is ridiculous to me. They spend well over 150 bucks on clothes without hesitation while I was contemplating whether or not I should get an Irish cream latte from Gloria Jeans but I did and it was as good as ever, didn't realize I was this stingy :L I'm glad I went today, didn't think trying on clothes and window shopping could be fun but I guess you gotta try things before you make just preconceived thoughts, I'm glad Blake was there to hold open that door for me to walk through.

The big breaky wrap they have a Hungry Jacks is pretty good. 

Escape - 3LAU, Paris & Simo & Bright Lights

Saturday 29 June 2013

One of those days.

well, that would explain a lot.

Don't know if I can trust this information, it's not like people lie on the internet, who would do such a thing? 

I woke up to total silence, my little brother no where to be found. I almost had forgotten how serene this place can be when no one is being within it but after being accustomed to my brother screaming and yelling at his games and friends and sometimes, his friend's games, I have mixed feelings on whether I should be glad to have my initial space back or lament that fact that a drastic change just occurred which impedes my desire for homeostasis, which is ironic seeing as though Andy living here in the first place had smashed the peace that I've known up til now. While I was thinking about all of this, he came home, chubby as ever and I guess my train of though ended there :L

I spent most of my day laying on my bed and staring at the space that is my ceiling and after about 2-3 hours of doing this I've come to the conclusion that my ceiling needs some cleaning. Once I start cleaning one thing it's almost impossible to stop so I ended up cleaning the house, playing the piano, making food for the endless pit that is Andy Le, wayyyy more productive than I had wished but I can't say it was a bad day, well I can, but it'd be a lie. 

Friday 28 June 2013



I don't think I've laughed harder all year. Today was going by pretty slowly but then someone donated this ridiculous mug that was the size of a vase, as it came through the door, I bursted out uncontrollable laughter. I guess I subconsciously thought of all the situations where a giant mug that just looks like a vase with a mug handle would be hilarious. Every time I laughed, everybody else did, it was an amazingly fulfilling day, even as I walked into the store holding my cup of tea that was contained in this goliath of a cup, I'd get smirks from people I've never met before, then I'd laugh and then they start laughing then the whole shop would echo in joyous sounds for no real reason :L I don't know, it was at times like that, I would think that nothing in the world could shit on my day, and nothing did.

Even after I got a that 1 liter jug of greatness I would say things like "sorry, I can't hear you over how massive this mug is." and they'd say things like "where's Kevin ?" "I don't know, maybe he's behind that giant mug." ahh, brings a tear to my eye :L

This even happened.

David : Sorry, I won't be staying but I'll come on Monday.
Inge : Are you sure you want to come on Monday ? I'll come if you come.

It was kinda gross considering they were well over 60 but nonetheless, I was at the corner giggling my fat, beautiful ass off.

Thursday 27 June 2013


Let see...
I woke up.
Went to St. Vinnie's to do my bi-weekly duties.
Heard that Elaine's replacement was a sweedish stripper
Got disappointed.
She was pretty cool even if she sounded like Darren Lockyer with a spear through her throat (dat laryngitis)
Her name is Inge (pronounced In-gah, yeah, I don't know.)
Scored a yd. dress shirt for $1 (Originally $4 but shop special plus I'm special) (It's got some pink!)
Scored an operation board game Spongebob Squarepants edition
Scored Snap cards Spongebob Squarepants edition
Realized I really, really like Spongebob Squarepants
Got home
Here I am.

Also heard my mate's grandad just passed away so now his parents are gone to Vietnam for 3 weeks. Wonder how's he holdin' up, guess I'll pop by his shop for a visit, these things are always a little easier to deal with when there are people around. I'm not sure what those people have to do to ease the situation though, hopefully I'll find out by the time I get there.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Ice cream.

The only time you should look into your neighbor's bowl is to make sure they have enough.
You don't look into your neighbor's bowl to see if you have ... as much as them."
- Louis C.K
ahhh classic. Opening up with a quote like that is nothing short of a classic :L

I woke up to the awesome feeling of knowing that my feet aren't sore. The guys have been trying to get into the habit of playing basketball/futsal at Springfield Lakes and our attempts are showing promise. Boys are so much different from girls when it comes to socialization, I'm not sure how to explain it myself but it's like boys skip parts girls would spend countless hours on. I could go on but it'll give me a headache and might spring up some sort of argument with someone else so I'll stop here and go by maccas and get mahself an ice cream cone. God bless your soul, Tom Hanks.

Edit 1: Note to self: never try to drive while eating 3 cones, poor Betty :(

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Weird is wonderful.

I don't know what to type anymore, man. I want the content to not bore you and although this blog is really for me, I've just realized that there are quite a few readers out there and to them I can only ask "How the fuck did you even get here?" but now that you're here, I suppose there's really no point in me asking since the answer ain't gonna change shit. I don't know why I've started to take your interests into consideration, there's something about being "online" that makes it different, it's almost as if being on your computer is activating your second face.

I remember being in high school I would talk to quite a bit of people online, for great lengths, too but the moment I see them in person (mostly at school) it's almost as if those conversations never happened and I admit, I'm to blame, too, but it still strikes me as a little odd. We have nothing to hold us back anymore, I guess that's why our relationships with other people have narrowed, not being involved with something you don't have to be is natural but at the same time, it's a little sad. I miss high school.

Monday 24 June 2013


A lot of people think I'm unhappy since I rarely go out, but I'm not :L

                                                                        I just appreciate silence in this world that never stops talking.

I think it's not that I don't like people, I like people.
                                                                                                                               I just don't like crowds.

I love music,
                                                                                                                                   I just don't like noise.

I love being by myself,

                                                                                                                          I just don't like being alone.

Yeah, that's it.

Sunday 23 June 2013

It's a wonderful life.

Wanna read a monologue that made me cry ? no ? well too bad.

you don't have to worry anymore.
is eternal

I can hear the wheels on his stretcher as they take him away.

I follow them.

even though I knew they would scold me, I held his hand

until the door to the surgery room separated us.

the surgery took a long time

I kept waiting

I kept on believing

in the end

the surgery wasn't successful

though if it we were just talking about regaining his memories

you could say it was a success

I was able to see him in the ICU two days later

he couldn't talk

but he managed to say one word

It was my name

I was overjoyed, just like a little kid

after awhile, he was moved to the general ward

the days after were committed to rehabilitation 

we lived and worked together through the difficult times

we kept on walking together

we never will again

no matter what may await us in the future

we will not regret it

I am confident of that fact


were able to find what was important to us

the last scene we saw together

will never be forgotten

it was a sunset that went on forever

we cherished the moment

we never knew the world was so beautiful

we knew nothing as children

and when we were facing tough times

we never noticed, because that was the only color we knew

it was so beautiful

he was asleep when I noticed 

his face...

it was refreshing, like how a runner feels when he's just finished a race

his mouth moved: it sounded like he said something

it was a murmur

he may have been talking in his sleep

but every time I recall his words

I know he reached the same place I did

that's what I believe

I will never feel despair

we overcame many obstacles 

we believed in eternal love

we continued to believe

there were days when we lived together

that is my treasure

a treasure I won't trade for anything

there were times when my heart almost tore into pieces from the pain

there were times when I cried

but it is because I lived through those days

that today is so dazzling

the day I met him

the days I lived with him

the days I felt despair

the days I cried alone

the path I continued to walk

the past

the future

all of it

is just like the sunset I saw that day


I was able to find the sparkle in life

so I want to find people who are lost, as I was before

and help them now

so if you keep walking

I have fulfilled my purpose

and if you are able to find it

please help others find it too

you will not hesitate when the time comes


you will already know the meaning of life

what your treasure may be

and how you can obtain it

is something nobody knows

but you will surely find it someday

so no matter how painful it is right now

no matter how sad you are

even if you are angry

even if you smile

even if you cry

even if you scream

please walk on

until the day you find your treasure

if you, the person on the other side of this screen

were to find yourself alone

it's all right.

you're not alone

I'm here

I will always be here

so rest assured

this is what I realized

after I walked with him

and learned with him

Name : Forest Bear

... thank you

... thanks to you...

I led a good life

Let's go!

The world is beautiful 


life is beautiful

it's a Wonderful Life!

After reading yesterday's post to myself, I was reminded of this visual novel I played/read last year. Even though I can't personally relate to that situation, it really hit home, I suppose after being attached to all the characters, it was bound to happen.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Tough love.

Before I post something, I have this habit of going back and reading my other posts, this usually sparks a train a thought and gives me an incentive to type another post.

It's still knocks my socks off to know that there are people out there, fearing and fighting for their lives, going through unimaginable moral and physical ordeals and the outcome of those ordeals can change so quickly. There are over twice as much results as there are problems and to know that there are countless amounts of that shit happening while I'm here, just sippin' mah tea doesn't sit well. I would try to help but only the fortunate are with the fortunate, that whole "birds of a feather flock together" thing, although it might have a different context in this instance. Now that I have this new sunny disposition, I want you guys to know that I do, truly love you, yes, you there, sitting down reading this. My appreciation of life has been quite constant these past few years and whenever I get the chance to sit down and think of what to type, this is usually what I think of first. You are family to me, I'll do whatever I can if you asked, it's a small price to pay to make someone's day, I just think it's difficult for someone to ask someone else a favor because their pride is in the way. I find it's a lot easier to deal with things with your pride and shame out the window, that's just me though.

Friday 21 June 2013


"Ayo gurl, you purdy."

Time flew by faster than a clock out the window, bro.
Elaine is a woman that volunteers at St. Vinnie's. She is probably one of the most hard working people I've ever seen, she manages and makes all the major decisions without being paid a penny and yet she comes almost everyday with such enthusiasm  it's almost abnormal. She rarely gets praised for her incredible effort and it's a shame that there are still people who complain that there's someone to crack the whip and keep us busy. She was told to have 2 weeks off to look after her children so since it was Friday, she fully yolo'ed and just told people (the volunteers) to go home, yanked shit off the shelves as if they were tissue paper, ran outside and screamed "EVERYTHING IN THE SHOP IS %50 OFF!" I've never seen old people look more psyched. It was like girls who would push and shove people off the railing to get their hands on some cheap goods only they were like, 50 years older. I got over powered by a 70 year old lady, not exactly my proudest moment but hey, it was never a disadvantage to have energy.

As soon as the special was declared, I went to texting :L promoted that place as much as I could and surprisingly got some results. I told everyone I thought would be interested (Had some old numbers so I don't think half of them got out to the people I wanted to know) and Hoa, Kiet, Myvy, Myvy's little brother (didn't even know she had one, unless it was like, her son or some shit) Hoc and Augustian showed up. Hope they weren't too disappointed with their purchases :L can't really complain though, everything was like 2.5 cents. (dat exaggeration) 

Thursday 20 June 2013

I think I'm obsessed with old people.

Same shit, different picture, where do I even find all these images ?

Looking at my previous posts, I've realized I've been talking mostly about the older folk where I volunteer, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not what I had in mind, pretty cool how things can just take a random ass turn so in this post, I'm gonna be talking more about the older folk at St. Vinnie's simply because they are cool.

I don't usually volunteer on a Thursday but today was a special exception because I had to make up a day I missed the week before. The guy who found out he was gonna die a lot earlier than he planned wasn't anywhere to be seen, the mood was quite gloomy so, being the little fag that I am, I had to make with what I had and brighten the mood, even if it was just for a bit, at that point, it all counted. I don't think I'll be seeing him again, If I had known when I was going to kick the bucket, I wouldn't tell a soul, I'd go and do all the shit I've wanted to do but at a quicker pace and I imagine that's what he did. Seems sad and pointless to be sad over something you can't change, a message I've told myself once and had it engraved into my behavior, manners and pretty much everything else about me that a person would think would make a person. Hope this doesn't cause any permanent damage. 

Wednesday 19 June 2013

A means to an end.


So yeah, I'm starting to wish I never said that something should happen today cause I bit off way more than I could possibly chew.

It been a good few months since I started chilling at Acacia Ridge's St. Vincent De Pauls and during that time I got rather friendly with the staff there. There's this one bloke, he's like 489203564 ft tall and he just found out that he either has a tumor on the left side of his brain or diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, I've never seen a man shake his right hand so fast. Today a grown man cried on the shoulder I offered, I didn't think he would since he didn't seem like the type that would but I suppose knowing that you can potentially drop dead at any time can be so daunting that it can change everything about you. If death can do that to a grown man then there's no telling what it'll do to me. People react different to different things but things of this particular nature can't possibly sit well with anyone.

Is it me ? or are too many people dying around me ? and by "too many" I mean more than zero, Not to sound like a depressing, enigmatic, pitiful person but isn't 19 a bit too early to starting thinking about this shit?
It's gonna be rough when people start kicking the bucket, especially since I've become so attached to the people at St. Vincent's.

On the brighter side, today I had my first Tea Party, it was pretty dope even though it was just two people talking whilst drinking tea, come to think of it, she didn't even have any tea, she drank coffee, the nerve of that girl man. It was good to catch up with her after not hearing her name for like half a year. She seems to be easily misunderstood, not like it's any of my business, it just seems that way to me. She's so considerate :L leaving so I could add There probably ain't many gals like that around these days.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Still think different.

"The music made you, but I made the music
some think I'm foolish because I chase a dream
but I got to, it would be only foolish not to."
- Bop Alloy.

Hmmm nothing really happened today. It was empty inside my mind and out, in fact, I thing as I'm typing this post, it is the first time I'm listening to my own voice inside my head, I sound so weird :L but at the way I see it, It's better than being normal. Man, really wished there was more to type but I honestly can't recall anything worth recalling :S Oh, well should have something tomorrow.

Still Think Different - Bop Alloy & Peter Lee Johnson

Monday 17 June 2013

Be like you.

                          hahahahaha my new favourite .gif, don't think it'll be topped anytime soon :L

I've noticed people named their cars, some are clever names and others derive from the person the owners admire. Dante (the previous owner of the vehicle that is currently in my possession) gave a name to the Euro but I don't know how I feel about "Betty", guess I'll keep it in memory of his days :L "Come inside Betty." yeah, I can see myself saying that a lot :L this'll be gud kekekeke I'll rev the car in occasion then quietly whisper to the car words of comfort so that people will think I'm crazy and when they question my sanity, I'll ask him/her if he/she would like to walk home tonight, THE POTENTIAL. It's kinda sad that I have this much planned out, once I get my freedom the only thing that'll probably change the the rate of frequency of which my family will be eating mcdonalds, that's good too, don't get me wrong :L

This has to be a close second.

Be Like You - Ed Sheeran

Sunday 16 June 2013

Keep moving.

I don't think I've laughed harder at a .gif my entire life :L

I like the people who make an effort to keep in touch. Melara has this vibe around him that just makes you go along with anything :L He's way too friendly for his own good, I can easily picture some slutjuice taking advantage of that and totally disrespecting him as a person and to be honest, I'm amazed that he's not suspecting me of doing just that. I plan on doing similar things in the future, you know, making an effort to keep connections. I know I've kept to my little cocoon and to know that there are people who will go through that ordeal of getting you the fuck out of your own house and into a place where you can get nice food, company and laughs is just awesome. You readers better prepare your wallets cause uncle Kevin is gonna do shit one of these days.

Please note that "one of these days" really means whenever the fuck I feel like it and "Whenever the fuck I feel like it" can range from right now or 1-2 years down the road :L

Keep Moving (Rest in peace, Nujabes.) - NAK & Michita 

Saturday 15 June 2013

A poem for me part 2.

" They told me that to make her fall in love
I had to make her laugh
But every time she laughs
I'm the one who falls in love."

Okay, I lied, here's part two of my poem, it's practically a whole other masterpiece. Ahem.

Doof doof doof doof
doof doof doof doof
doof doooooof doof

After some serious thinking, I've come to the conclusion that when old people tell you story they've already told you before, they want you to think they're senile. Old people know what they've told you and do this with the sole intent on making you go through something you don't have to. I realized this when "volunteering" at St. Vinnie's the other day when a mate of mine (he's like in his mid 50's) told me a story I've already heard him tell but only this time, it was with more pauses as if he was trying to contain his laughter. I believe this to be a secret the world wishes to keep and is a well put-together ruse to keep our expectations of the elderly to a minimum. It happened half a dozen times before I caught on and now I'm afraid that if I spring it on them they'll get their elderly friends to tell me so many stories again and again that I might contemplate suicide, they're sneaky like that. Can't wait til I'm old and get to say the same things over and over again, also I would like to poop myself and tell someone else to deal with it, that would make like, my entire life.

I don't like Carl Cox. 

Friday 14 June 2013

A poem for me.

Here's a poem I wrote  about how I'm feeling at the present moment, ahem. 

Doof doof doof doof doof doof
doof doof doof
doof doof doof doooooooooffff
doof doof
doof doof doof doof doof 

 That's probably about as creative as I'll ever get so it'll be unrealistic if you were to expect anymore masterpieces from me, mate.

I've gain yet another nick name at the workplace :L "Pickle" I can only assume where that derived from but to be honest, I'd rather not know. The people I worked with were rather on edge today, I guess after the robbery that occurred down the road this morning, they have every right to be but I think it's because of that edginess that inconsistencies keep happening and that just resulted in the mood being kept down, "a person is only ever as high as the mood" I told the manager.

Currently listening to Armin Van Buuren via live stream on Youtube that a mate so kindly shared, it's a shame that it's almost finished though, would've liked acquaint myself with some of these artists a little more.
Also would've been dope if there was like, a tracklist and their times or something like that hahahah in an ideal world I suppose. Koreans know how to party :L

Thursday 13 June 2013

Meine katze ist gefährlich.

Here's a cat I drew when I was drunk in like, year 9. Alex Dang was the one who added the
monobrow (unibrow ?) if I remember correctly :L found it on my laptop and thought it needed to be archived

Let me just say that the only way that you'll ever get me to give a fuck is that if you ask for it, it could be anything from a question to an opinion but I won't even think about it let alone force my thoughts down your throat until I've been asked to and even then it won't be much. Opinions are usually about events that happened and not about events that are happening or going to happen and as cliche as this may sound but life is really too short to hold grudges, If you're kind to me, I'll try to be kind to you and if you're two-faced to me then I'll create another face just for you or better yet, just flat out tell you that you're a cunt depending on the situation. This isn't a rant or directed to anyone in particular but it happens so often that I don't even know what to think about it. The metric fuck-tonne of complaints that flutter about that concerns this kind of shit is so fantastically fucking stupid that I had to type this up for future reference, I had always thought the way to deal with something like this was already so obvious but I am wrong. Majority wins.

2+3= pineapple, apparently. May god have mercy upon our generation. 

Wednesday 12 June 2013


"I'm just saying leave the judgement to the one who goes through the greatest pain,
and we'll just accept the result."

Old people are cool, well, I guess what I should be saying is older people are cool. I had a preconceived notion that older people were ignorant to your circumstances, they're not ignorant in general but neglect your problems as if to say "stop fucking bitching and do shit" or have that kind of vibe around simply because you're young or immature, I'm both and yet every one that I've had the pleasure to meet has treated me the way I treat them and to understand this equality is pretty dope :L I'm glad Australia is a lot more lenient on the whole hierarchy relationship thing, I've been called many bad things by parents due to the way I behave or address them and though it isn't intentional, it really hits home sometimes, not that I can blame them, our generations are almost a world apart. 

Bought a pair of Jester shoes with the bells attached to the ends, now even my walk is annoying :L why did I buy them ? when I find out, I'll be sure to type it up :L 

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Gift that keeps giving.

"We're up all night for good fun,"

Can't go wrong with a little Daft Punk in the morning again !

Before I die, I want to milk a cow and pretend they are my personal weapons and I would shoot my milk all over the people in the general area, that'd be cool. Everything implied in that previous sentence is intentional.
Tuesdays are the best, I look forward to Tuesdays more so than I do Saturdays, It's the best day to completely fuck over your diet and crush any hope you had of becoming "healthy" hahahah health are for chumps and losers. Oh, and people who have their shit together.

The lack of content in my posts is usually due to the lack of human interaction I have on a daily basis, I would like to type more but for the life of me, I don't know what to but now that I think about it, even if I were to go outside and god forbid: talk to people I still might not type much because my thoughts and interactions don't hold much (if any) significance to others. Why did I even start a blog in the first place if that's what I think ? fuck it, I'll deal with the shit when it comes, too hungry to sort it out now.

Monday 10 June 2013

All night.

Can't go wrong with a little Daft Punk in the morning !

So this is what it feels like to have a normal sleeping pattern.... I don't like it. My previous sleeping pattern was so bad that it looped and now it's back to normal, I'm not even sure that made any sense. Having all this free time to myself is starting to make me feel guilty, guess I'll look for another job soon, all this talk about exams from the other peeps is making me feel restless. Wonder what it would've been like if I had continued studying.

I'm getting used to my car's ridiculously low suspensions which is a major relief seeing as I used to scrape the living fuck out of it every time I drive in or out of my driveway. Why would you pay like, $700 to lower your car to a point where it becomes a nuisance ? apparently the answer is "because it looks cool." which, in hindsight, is a perfectly good reason :L 

Sunday 9 June 2013

That'd be cool.

You know, I've always wanted to spend a whole day with a girl just to see them take selfies, pictures of their food, hashtaging the pictures on their instagram or facebook (which is something I still find uncomprehendingly retarded) just so I can judge the fuck out of them, that'd be cool. I attempted this before but about quarter way through I realized what a fucking creep I was and aborted. I've always pictured in my head how people take selfies and stuff but it just doesn't feel right :L I kinda thought "nahh, they don't actually do that..." but then right before I watched "The Great Gatsby" I had the privilege of seeing this up close and personal and it was exactly how I imagined it.

"Hold up, let me take a picture of my food" - Hieu Phan
"wait, fucking what ?" - Kevin Le

Still blows my mind, couldn't even get to enjoy the movie to it's fullest, too many thoughts occupying my head on how I'll shoot myself once I get home I guess.

I'm not saying doing these things please the Devil or anything like that, it's just something I can't picture myself doing is all. You do your thing but sometimes people's things are so different from your own you can't help but question it, it happens more and more often but I suppose that's how society changes or evolves... I'm not sure which though.

Oh, and update their statuses. Yeah, that'd be cool, too.

Friday 7 June 2013

Dat denim flow.

"Dior, Dior galore, I love the cut."

I'm glad I found some heart-throbbing EDM, the feel is somewhat back, didn't think I would be able to do it with 20-30 more songs though :L but even after finding my fill of EDM I always seem to fall back on hiphop songs. Sitting down and collecting dust while looking for songs and listening to others really took a toll on my body, so I thought I would reward myself with some Japanese Curry at Inala and while driving there I didn't want to leave the car with all the hiphop songs playing from disk I burnt for Dante that I found in the car so I drove around mindlessly for a good 20 minutes or so :L not a smart move I admit but dayum.... you know, J.cole n' shit. Curry was pretty good for 8 bucks, would recommend but my standards for food ain't all that high, as long as it's edible, It's good food to me :L also, Tempura/chicken sushi is awesome when dipped with the curry sauce, fucking remember that. 

Was invited to go watch "The Great Gatsby" with Hoc and Hieu out of the blue, never was a movie person but after awhile it becomes something you would do for the hell of it rather than for the enjoyment for the actual movie but the enjoyment was there anyway. I liked what I watched, I guess the fact that i rarely watch movies affects my standards for movies but I don't see why you wouldn't watch it. Met up with Leon, Oscar, and Trumpet then went to Hieu's house for some pool then went home at like 2 am. Hahhahah the perks of living by yourself.

Yeah, typing about my day doesn't sit right with me, probably won't be doing a post like this again, it's not that I mind but even when I read it it sounds uninteresting to me. 

Thursday 6 June 2013


"You will never again wake up with your whole world torn apart."

I'm kinda pissed. Ever since Dash Berlin, all of the songs I've compiled up til now sound like absolute shit in comparison, so this is what the "why would I play on the swings when I've already been to Disney Land ?" mentality feels like. I'm gonna spend my entire day finding better songs, chances are, they're mostly going to remixed by Dash Berlin. I know that there are so many artists out there and the diversity is mind-blowing because I know I'll love the songs they produced like I love the songs I've already been introduced. Pretty keen on my little musical journey :L I can't feel the "hype" from my songs anymore and hopefully that will change today. YOUTUBE AWAYYYY

I swear to god I punched a hole through the fucking sky that night. It was so good I almost don't want to tell you.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Soopa fun time, yeeh.

"Is mayonnaise an instrument ?"

Wednesdays are pretty cool, scored the framed poster above and spongebob plushie for 2 bucks, people be jelly as all fuck. I'm just glad I found a suitable place to hang it :L didn't really give it much thought until I got home but I was fortunate enough to find a random ass hook-like thing on my wall. Everything went better than expected (Y)

Heard they now sell Japanese curry at Inala so I'm gonna be heading over there sometime this week to get a gander and hopefully a mouth-full of that stuff. We had to go out of our way to get food like that in the past, strange how these things just tap you on the shoulder one day and announce they they're here to stay and for a while you're like "yeah, alright." and it doesn't register that something awesome just arrived at your doorstep and it literally takes no effort where as before it took a world of patience, well, that was the case for me, I can't speak for others, nor do I want to.

Edit 1: looking back at this post, I think I should be a fucking photographer or some shit.

MRW taking a picture.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Closed for business.

" You know, "kindness" covers all of my political beliefs.
there's no need to spell them out.
I believe that if, at the end according to our abilities...
...we have done something to make others a little happier...
...and something to make ourselves a little happier...
...that is about the best we can do.
to make others less happy is a crime.
to make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.
we must try to contribute joy to the world.
that is true no matter what our problems,
our health,
or even our circumstances.
we must try.
I didn't always know this
and I'm happy I lived long enough to find out."

Monday 3 June 2013

Classic Tim.

I was told I work like a black fella by Jan Nick today. Probably the best compliment I've received yet. It's strange how you can fully trust someone's word when you barely know them and you brush off the words given to you by the closest people you know. I guess it's because you believe they're too considerate and you can't really take their words to heart but you can to complete strangers. It might just be me now that I think about it, It does sound pretty strange when I put it that way :L

The winter nights have forced me to put clothes on the past few weeks, I don't like it. Not to sound like a pervert or anything (truth be told, I'm a massive perv, pretty open about it too, mind you) but I think nothing is more comfortable being in your own skin. It's always been a thought in the back of my head that clothes weren't necessary but due to social standards, to point something like that out on a whim apparently causes extreme discomfort to a majority of people and dealing with all the flak that comes afterwards isn't really something I want to do in exchange for the chance to express my views :L

It's either me or society that is fucked.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Half to go.


It just occurred to me that half the year is gone. These realizations never come easy with people like me :L
just something about the fleeting days, weeks and months that give me a bad feeling, it's probably just my desire for homeostasis acting up here. It's because I have a blog that I start to notice these things. Years ago there wouldn't be a thought in my head but now that I'm pretty much forced to think of things to type for the benefit of my future self, homeostasis might be a line cast too far hahaha and with an attitude like this, it really could be. Gotta stroll through the shit you're given if you're given any at all. Power.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Story of my day.

"pew pew, pew pew pew."

I find myself watching old movies whether this is good or not, I've not a clue but it was a good chance for me to re-watch a movie I had a recent urge to see. There's something about Russell Crowe that makes Gladiator so good. I'm no movie critic but I'm glad I decided to watch it again after 7 odd years.

It's weird how the people you think you'll never ever talk to again just find their way back into your life, it wasn't because of hatred or anything like that, just that they were a bystander in your events. Going to Dash yesterday opened a few social doors but I don't think I'll walk through that threshold still, guess I'm still a pussy :L that's not bad though, it's important to keep things at your own pace, regardless of what others say.