Saturday 22 June 2013

Tough love.

Before I post something, I have this habit of going back and reading my other posts, this usually sparks a train a thought and gives me an incentive to type another post.

It's still knocks my socks off to know that there are people out there, fearing and fighting for their lives, going through unimaginable moral and physical ordeals and the outcome of those ordeals can change so quickly. There are over twice as much results as there are problems and to know that there are countless amounts of that shit happening while I'm here, just sippin' mah tea doesn't sit well. I would try to help but only the fortunate are with the fortunate, that whole "birds of a feather flock together" thing, although it might have a different context in this instance. Now that I have this new sunny disposition, I want you guys to know that I do, truly love you, yes, you there, sitting down reading this. My appreciation of life has been quite constant these past few years and whenever I get the chance to sit down and think of what to type, this is usually what I think of first. You are family to me, I'll do whatever I can if you asked, it's a small price to pay to make someone's day, I just think it's difficult for someone to ask someone else a favor because their pride is in the way. I find it's a lot easier to deal with things with your pride and shame out the window, that's just me though.

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