Thursday 13 June 2013

Meine katze ist gefährlich.

Here's a cat I drew when I was drunk in like, year 9. Alex Dang was the one who added the
monobrow (unibrow ?) if I remember correctly :L found it on my laptop and thought it needed to be archived

Let me just say that the only way that you'll ever get me to give a fuck is that if you ask for it, it could be anything from a question to an opinion but I won't even think about it let alone force my thoughts down your throat until I've been asked to and even then it won't be much. Opinions are usually about events that happened and not about events that are happening or going to happen and as cliche as this may sound but life is really too short to hold grudges, If you're kind to me, I'll try to be kind to you and if you're two-faced to me then I'll create another face just for you or better yet, just flat out tell you that you're a cunt depending on the situation. This isn't a rant or directed to anyone in particular but it happens so often that I don't even know what to think about it. The metric fuck-tonne of complaints that flutter about that concerns this kind of shit is so fantastically fucking stupid that I had to type this up for future reference, I had always thought the way to deal with something like this was already so obvious but I am wrong. Majority wins.

2+3= pineapple, apparently. May god have mercy upon our generation. 

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