Thursday 20 June 2013

I think I'm obsessed with old people.

Same shit, different picture, where do I even find all these images ?

Looking at my previous posts, I've realized I've been talking mostly about the older folk where I volunteer, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not what I had in mind, pretty cool how things can just take a random ass turn so in this post, I'm gonna be talking more about the older folk at St. Vinnie's simply because they are cool.

I don't usually volunteer on a Thursday but today was a special exception because I had to make up a day I missed the week before. The guy who found out he was gonna die a lot earlier than he planned wasn't anywhere to be seen, the mood was quite gloomy so, being the little fag that I am, I had to make with what I had and brighten the mood, even if it was just for a bit, at that point, it all counted. I don't think I'll be seeing him again, If I had known when I was going to kick the bucket, I wouldn't tell a soul, I'd go and do all the shit I've wanted to do but at a quicker pace and I imagine that's what he did. Seems sad and pointless to be sad over something you can't change, a message I've told myself once and had it engraved into my behavior, manners and pretty much everything else about me that a person would think would make a person. Hope this doesn't cause any permanent damage. 

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