Sunday 23 June 2013

It's a wonderful life.

Wanna read a monologue that made me cry ? no ? well too bad.

you don't have to worry anymore.
is eternal

I can hear the wheels on his stretcher as they take him away.

I follow them.

even though I knew they would scold me, I held his hand

until the door to the surgery room separated us.

the surgery took a long time

I kept waiting

I kept on believing

in the end

the surgery wasn't successful

though if it we were just talking about regaining his memories

you could say it was a success

I was able to see him in the ICU two days later

he couldn't talk

but he managed to say one word

It was my name

I was overjoyed, just like a little kid

after awhile, he was moved to the general ward

the days after were committed to rehabilitation 

we lived and worked together through the difficult times

we kept on walking together

we never will again

no matter what may await us in the future

we will not regret it

I am confident of that fact


were able to find what was important to us

the last scene we saw together

will never be forgotten

it was a sunset that went on forever

we cherished the moment

we never knew the world was so beautiful

we knew nothing as children

and when we were facing tough times

we never noticed, because that was the only color we knew

it was so beautiful

he was asleep when I noticed 

his face...

it was refreshing, like how a runner feels when he's just finished a race

his mouth moved: it sounded like he said something

it was a murmur

he may have been talking in his sleep

but every time I recall his words

I know he reached the same place I did

that's what I believe

I will never feel despair

we overcame many obstacles 

we believed in eternal love

we continued to believe

there were days when we lived together

that is my treasure

a treasure I won't trade for anything

there were times when my heart almost tore into pieces from the pain

there were times when I cried

but it is because I lived through those days

that today is so dazzling

the day I met him

the days I lived with him

the days I felt despair

the days I cried alone

the path I continued to walk

the past

the future

all of it

is just like the sunset I saw that day


I was able to find the sparkle in life

so I want to find people who are lost, as I was before

and help them now

so if you keep walking

I have fulfilled my purpose

and if you are able to find it

please help others find it too

you will not hesitate when the time comes


you will already know the meaning of life

what your treasure may be

and how you can obtain it

is something nobody knows

but you will surely find it someday

so no matter how painful it is right now

no matter how sad you are

even if you are angry

even if you smile

even if you cry

even if you scream

please walk on

until the day you find your treasure

if you, the person on the other side of this screen

were to find yourself alone

it's all right.

you're not alone

I'm here

I will always be here

so rest assured

this is what I realized

after I walked with him

and learned with him

Name : Forest Bear

... thank you

... thanks to you...

I led a good life

Let's go!

The world is beautiful 


life is beautiful

it's a Wonderful Life!

After reading yesterday's post to myself, I was reminded of this visual novel I played/read last year. Even though I can't personally relate to that situation, it really hit home, I suppose after being attached to all the characters, it was bound to happen.

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